I'd Be Remiss Not To Mention The Biggest Fraud Performance of the Weekend: I'm Talking About White Sox Dave Fake Chaining Himself To A Statue Obviously

It was a very busy weekend here at Barstool Sports. Jac Mac gave everybody the worst tip in the history of gambling and then didn’t seem to care, I was at Bills Mafia, we had Avocado Ross storm the BSS World HQ’s, but nothing topped White Sox’s Dave pathetic performance in Chicago. In case you missed it WSD decided that he was going to finally honor his promise to chain himself to a statue at Comisky Park. Why he decided to do this almost a year after he welshed on his original bet I have no idea. Why he thought anybody would care I have no idea.

But in typical WSD fashion he managed to make a nothing event into a catastrophic clusterfuck. It all turned south for poor little White Sox Dave when lightening struck while he was on camera and he jumped up like the scared little mouse he is and in the process revealed that he was never in fact chained to the statue. Just an unreal turn of events for WSD. He somehow managed to dig himself an even deeper hole over this entire chain fiasco which I would have said was impossible at this point. I mean no man and I mean no man has ever had their entire reputation and self worth destroyed more over 1 simple bet than WSD has with this statue saga. Just when you think he’s hit rock bottom he somehow slips lower.

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